Bible Based, Christ Centered, and Holy Spirit Filled
One Church. Two Locations.
Please register at church or using the QR Code above. There will also be an Adult Class on Spiritual Gifts taught by Kalie Orndorff. If you would like to register for that please contact Tara Oswalt, Kerri Bailey or sign up at the church. Supper will be provided for all children and adult attending. Bring your friends!You don’t need to attend classes to be baptised. See Patrick for baptism info.
Kidzlife is a children’s ministry that meets every Wednesday 5:30-7:30 pm following the Clearfork School calendar starting September 20, 2023 through April, 2024. Children ages 3 years through 5th grade are welcome each week to come, learn and enjoy fellowship with others through a Bible-centered children’s curriculum.
Youth Middle School 6th-8th grade Bible Study from 5:30-7:30pm.